On Tuesday (yesterday), I took a “social media fast.” I’ve started doing this at least one morning, afternoon, or full day each week. Basically, without losing the blessing by blabbing about it, I use the time I would spend on social media to pray for others or to pray for the outreach of—and God’s blessing on—my blogs, editing business, and newly re-launched Wedding Coordinator site. It not only keeps me focused on what matters most, it also gives me time to step back and take a good look at where things stand.
It might sound silly, but I positively love Petals from the Basket, and I long for it to provide not just a venue for my love of writing but also a source of “ideas and resources for everyday Christian living.” In this time of adjusting to my new routine, getting used to the amount of time required for seeking and serving new clients, and literally riding a roller coaster of emotions that rotated constantly between fear and faith, I have found great joy in sharing with others (via this site) what God is patiently and lovingly teaching me.
I’ve written daily; I’ve written once in ten days. I’ve desperately tried to sell things in hopes of having enough extra money to pay the annual fees required to run this site (a gift graciously provided by a dear relative who saw the need the day the site was shut down back in March because I literally didn’t have the funds available to pay the annual fees that were due the day before); and I’ve tried everything I could think of to come up with a perfect formula for “success.” While all of those things were good, and all can be great tools and resources, something continued to be missing—heart.
So, I’ll be taking a “new” approach. I’m returning to my love for writing and for sharing God’s great lessons—but I’ll be sharing them from my heart, not from a lame desire to build a large readership. To make that happen, I have a plan and an announcement.
So, here’s the plan.
1. I plan to post new blog posts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. (If a month-long focus is featured, I will announce ahead of time that posts will be daily during that time period only.) My mom will continue to be the featured guest contributor on the last Friday of each month!
2. Those who are e-mail subscribers to the blog will have exclusive access to great prizes via monthly contests, hosted by an outside source to guarantee that winners receive their prizes in a timely manner. Posts should arrive in your Inbox sometime between 5:00 and 9:00 a.m., Central time.
3. Those who “Like” the Facebook page will be eligible for Facebook-exclusive contests, also hosted by the outside source.
4. I am going to boldly ask for those who read Petals from the Basket to be “amabassadors” for the site by sharing posts that they like, linking to their favorite posts, or just telling others about the site. I want the site to matter and to make a difference, and I need your help to make that happen.
5. All items sold on this site will only serve the purpose of providing “ideas and resources for everyday Christian living.” (An example of this is “The Card Store,” which features unique Christian Greeting Cards with a focus on sharing encouraging words from Scripture.) A percentage of all funds received through affiliate purchases made via the Amazon search box, loacted in the sidebar on the right, will be used for funding this site and/or for charitable causes.
Now, here’s the announcement!
Starting in September, I will feature a monthly interview with various individuals, couples, or families that are serving the Lord in vocational Christian work. (By the way, I’m one who believes we are all in “full-time Christian work.” Some just do it vocationally!) After learning about these individuals and their ministries, you might want to support them with your prayers or your financial support. I’ll include links and information so that you can do that confidentially, legally, and safely. (I won’t make one penny off of it—I promise you that!) I’m so excited for you to “meet” these awesome individuals and for all of us to learn from what God is teaching them!
So there you have it. That’s my plan, and I’m stickin’ to it! (And I’m also asking you to lovingly hold me to it!
Thank you for reading today’s post. I’d love for you to share your response in the comments below.___________________
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I totally hear you, Brenda. I want to make a difference too, but it’s easy to be distracted by the numbers (or lack thereof)! May God give grace and wisdom in the days ahead.
Thank you, Sharon, and thanks for your sweet encouragement along the way!