Petals from the Basket

What I’m Reading

As I continue to reach out to companies in an effort to build my client list for proofreading and editing, I am seeking to use my “waiting” hours to increase, update and strengthen my knowledge in this field. [I clearly inherited the never-stop-learning gene from both of my parents!] However, one can only read the Gregg Reference Manual, technical style guides and publishing materials for so many hours at a time! So to help provide variety, I’ve added the reading of books dealing with leaders who have done it well, books of ideas and numerous articles on building a client base.

However, not only must I increase my knowledge of the freelance proofreading and editing industry during this time, I must also increase my knowledge of my Helper and Guide in the process—my loving Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

So today I’m just sharing with you what’s on my bookshelf of recently-read or currently-reading books. In full disclosure, I receive compensation for orders placed through the use of these links, but my sincere intent is not to get you to buy them for that reason, but simply to share information and opportunities for you to do so.

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, by Michael Hyatt (Former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing) AWESOME book for everyone seeking to update their knowledge of how things work in 2012! (Kindle Edition)

Off Script: What to Do When God Rewrites Your Life, by Cary Schmidt (I read this earlier this year, and had to re-read it again already. This is a must-read for every believer!)  (Kindle Edition)

The 100-Dollar Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future, by Chris Guillebeau. (This book was highly-recommended by Michael Hyatt, and I think it’s wise to read what leaders read! I’m glad I did! Combine the contents with a personal trust in a sovereign God, and you have a truly motivational book!)

And yes, I’m honestly reading this next one and going through it right now (and I would be foolish NOT to list it!):

THE ABC’s of T2:3, by Brenda L. Strohbehn

Happy Reading!