Petals from the Basket

Three Reasons I Love This Idea…

My sister Karen and her Bible Study group meet on a regular basis, and it’s clear to this outsider that they have come to love, appreciate, and truly build up one another as they meet on designated Tuesday evenings.

Karen emailed me this picture last week, and I immediately wrote and asked if I could share it on this site. Her only requirement was that I wait to post it since the group was meeting on Tuesday night and she didn’t want to risk having anyone see it! The ladies were having a birthday celebration for Teri, and made her an awesome gift. (Yes, you may have seen versions of this concept on other sites, but this one goes a little bit deeper!)

Each of the friends wrote down a few of Teri’s attributes and godly character qualities, and from that, they created this one-of-a-kind picture for her using a frame that holds three pictures! It speaks for itself, so I’ll simply close with three reasons why I personally love this idea:

1. Scripture tells us to build one another up (as opposed to using our words or actions to tear one another down). We demonstrate love and kindness when we choose to acknowledge and encourage the godly qualities we see in others!

Ephesians 4:16 “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”

2. As you can see, the picture includes two photos of the entire group, undoubtedly taken during moments that will evoke treasured memories with just a simple glance at this keepsake! I don’t know the recipient or anything about her, but I dare say the thoughtfulness behind this picture will bring calm to storms, change moments of loneliness to reminders of acceptance, and turn sadness to joy.

3. Just seeing this picture makes me want to drop everything, write my friends, and tell them what amazing qualities they have and how those qualities have impacted my life. And isn’t that what an uplifting gift should do? In the Bible, Luke shares the story that Jesus told about the “Good Samaritan.” As Jesus drew the story of the good neighbor to its close, He ended with words that still apply to us in 2012 when we learn a truth about demonstrating kindness:

Luke 10:37, “Then Jesus said, ‘Yes, now go and do the same.’” 


Thank you for taking time to read this post. Please feel free to leave a comment.

3 thoughts on “Three Reasons I Love This Idea…

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Stacy, since you’re part of the “fun-loving auntie” club, don’t you think this would be a fun gift for nieces and nephews, too? Thanks for stopping by the site and taking time to comment!