In the movie The Princess Diaries, the character Mia Thermopolis (played by Anne Hathaway), after previously refusing her rightful role as the future queen of the country, tells the citizens that she will indeed accept the position. Though only a…
Our Gift to Parents, Teachers, and the Kids They (and we) Love
Parents of elementary-age children…because we love you: Tuesday morning, 3/17, 11:00-11:15 am, Eastern, Livestream on the Petals from the Basket Facebook page: “Come Fly with Me: How an Airplane Flies,” presented by “Captain Joe!” Thursday morning, 3/19, 11:00-11:15 am, Eastern, Livestream on…
How Will You Use the Gift of a Pandemic? Life Lessons from the Coronavirus
My social media accounts have been flooded with “Breaking News” about school closings, event cancellations, warnings, facts, and opinions. And I’m okay with that. If nothing else, I have been reminded that we grieve, react to fear and disappointments, and…
The Captain’s Corner: Avoiding Storms
As you may imagine, weather plays a major role in the field of aviation. One writer (also a pilot) said it this way, “Flying is weather, and weather is flying.” Thunderstorms, obviously, are “bad weather.” Therefore, the solid rule is…
The Beauty of Routine
Routine. I like it. But I grow weary of it…until it’s gone. And then I miss its beauty, the comfort it can bring, and the calm that it instills within me. In the consistent functioning of His creation, God provides…