Petals from the Basket

Rituals and Choices

To me, New Year’s Eve is the perfect blend of gratitude and anticipation! It’s one of my favorite nights of the year! Many of all ages will choose to celebrate the New Year with family and friends—and even strangers—in large celebrations, church services, or small, intimate gatherings. Others will head to bed early to prepare for work or school tomorrow. Unlike my celebratory gatherings in earlier years, quietness, reflection, and planning will once again combine to create my celebration of choice.

As a woman who embraces rituals, my evening will include several: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for supper (and yes, I like it much better than all the fancy m&c recipes), a favorite old movie (no, I’m not telling which one) during which I fill in the birthdays and anniversaries on my new calendar, a bubble bath by candlelight, and then time with the Giver of Life to Whom the praise for this past year and the prayers for the coming year belong. There are a few other things in there, but those are the ones I’m willing to (partially) share!

At the risk of sounding like one of those bloggers that remind me of the old-time television announcers (“to all you people out there in tv-land”), this blog has been one of my greatest personal blessings in 2012—because of you. I continue to write whatever is on my heart at the moment, and many of you have graciously and patiently followed along and encouraged me along my journey! For that, I sincerely and humbly thank you tonight. I would write even if no one read my words, but the strength that has come from your frequent encouragement has been the frosting on the cake! Again, I thank you!

As with years past and with the final moments of the present year, choosing to follow Christ and to learn more of Him will be my top priority in 2013. As I look at all the petals that make up the basket of my life, I am reminded to continue to choose Christ in the year ahead. I have found through all the twists and turns of my journey of joy that there is no other way—there is no better way!

Many years ago now, someone gave me a recording of a song by Christine Wyrtzen (that tells you just how many years ago it was). It was entitled “Keep Choosing Me.” As a reminder to myself and to you, I will end 2012 on this blog with the words of the chorus:

Above yourself, above all else 
Keep choosing Me.
When you are weak, I’ll be your strength—
Keep choosing Me.
I made you free to be alone or to walk with Me.
All that’s Mine is yours
If you’ll keep choosing Me.

Wishing you a blessed 2013 in which you choose Christ,


Joshua 24:15 (NLT) “But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

One thought on “Rituals and Choices

  1. Cheryl

    I truly do enjoy your writing! You have been a wonderful source of blessing and encouragement to me this year. Thank you for that. Please, keep those rituals, the routines, and the ordinary! It is in these particular areas that I have seen God work in my life in surprising ways. Love you my friend. Have a blessed New Year!