Petals from the Basket

Pastor Appreciation (and Prayer) Month

While many of my blogging friends are planning to blog each of the thirty-one days in the month of October, I’m going to use October to try to remain consistent with my three (sometimes four) days of blogging per week. Also, I don’t want to bore you with a daily post in October and in November—since we will once again do a daily emphasis on gratitude next month. But more about that later!

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and I’ll be sharing some things from the perspective of a “PK”—“pastor’s kid!”—since my father served as a senior pastor during my years in my parents’ home. I’ll share some humorous things, some helpful tips for encouraging your pastor and his family, and some resources for ongoing ideas that I hope will bring joy to both you and your pastor’s family!

Though I won’t be writing thirty-one days in a row, I’m going to ask you to pray for your pastor as many days as possible this month. You might not read this until later in the month, so I’m not asking for an unrealistic commitment to all thirty-one days. I’m simply asking you to begin—or continue—the habit of consistently praying for your spiritual leaders. Will you do that with me?


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