“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you” (Jeremiah 32:17, NIV). Think about the magnitude of that word: nothing! NOTHING! Nothing is too hard…
He Will Always Come First
Every day of every week of every month of every year I choose gratitude. Gratitude for grace. Gratitude for fresh mercies each morning. Gratitude for my unchanging God who recorded the truths of His unconditional love for me in His Word…
On What Would Have Been My Father’s 91st Birthday
Things I saw often: Holding hands with and kissing my mom…often. My whole life. Forgiveness. Humility. Consistency. Love. The willing-to-sacrifice-his-own-rights kind. Things I heard often: Let’s see what the Bible has to say about that. What is that to thee?…
Lessons from the Queen…and King
Through a gift from a dear friend, I recently acquired a DVD of the movie War Room. As I watched it with some of my family members one evening, tears streaming down my cheeks at times (okay…many times), I was…
Inspired by Amy Carmichael…and a Fountain Pen
Amy Carmichael’s book If may be little in size, but it packs a powerful punch. Miss Carmichael used “if…then” statements to reiterate the overwhelming beauty, power, and grace found in the love that Christ demonstrated at Calvary. The reminders contained…