I use the word amazing entirely too often. But it’s a great word, isn’t it? Your hair looks amazing! She’s an amazing musician! He is an amazing teacher! She is an amazing friend! We had an amazing time! It just…works! But…
Easter’s Answers
Each year when Easter rolls around, I am awestruck at the wonder of Who my God is. And each year, I find myself faced with the same questions and, thankfully, the same answers: Why? Why would a holy God love…
Accomplishment and Rest
There is no extra credit for arriving in heaven exhausted. Do the work God has asked you to do, not what you perceive that others think you should do. When your choices are based on His purpose for your life,…
Walking through the Valley
After one of my deepest disappointments, a friend from California said these simple words: “Brenda, where I live, the mountains are beautiful. But the fruit grows in the valleys.” Friend, you may be in the valley, wondering if you’ll ever…
An Army of Prayer Soldiers
Praying for friends and family is something I count as a privilege and a responsibility. But I’ll be honest with you (um…for the record, I’m always honest with you) and tell you that it’s really hard for me to ask…