The Captain’s Corner When I think of my career as a pilot—starting at age fifteen and lasting nearly fifty years—I am fascinated by how much the word trust surfaces in both the physical and mental activity of flight. Trust is relying…
Your spouse matters. Your children matter. Your extended family matters. Your work matters. Your community matters. Your church matters. Your “down time” matters. You matter. God matters more. When He matters most, the rest of what matters falls into place.…
Recipe: “Come on Over” Chicken (or Beef)
We love to entertain. Seriously. It’s like our favorite pastime. So I’m always on the lookout for following or creating a great recipe that’s also easy. I confess that I’m not an amazing cook, but I am a fairly good…
When Your Hope Chest Is Full and Your Ring Finger Is Empty
Disclaimer: This post is not a generic blanket-statement regarding all who have no spouse in their house. It is written in love, from my firsthand experience (and therefore from my limited viewpoint), with a desire to lift up the weary…
Pilots and Copilots — Husbands and Wives
The Captain’s Corner One of the greatest joys of working for the airlines—and there are many—is the relationship with the passionate professionals with whom one flies. Among the most personal of these is the pilot–copilot relationship. The pilot, also known…