This was to have been an announcement that The ABCs of T2:3 — Integrating the Names, Character Qualities, and Attributes of God with the Principles of Titus 2:3–5, my ladies’ Bible study book, was ready. But it’s not. And it’s…
He Just Can’t He’p It!
My husband’s friend Ken is a godly, hardworking man with a heart of gold, and his heartfelt joy (even in the midst of difficult situations) can make even the gruffest of men break into a grin. He loves to chop…
My Flight Operations Manual, Part 2
The Captain’s Corner In my previous post from “The Captain’s Corner,” I discussed the similarities between the Flight Operations Manual (FOM) and the Bible, God’s Word to us. As flight crews we were governed by FOM procedures in order to…
I Am Grateful for the Day That Never Was – Repost

Note: This post was first published three years ago today, on August 9, 2014. Much in my life (besides my hairstyle, which, by the way should not be the focal point of this post!) has changed since then. In particular, I am…
How to Build a Home

Today’s post comes from one of our favorite ladies, Lorraine Strohbehn (Brenda’s mom)! Though she has lost much of her vision, Lorraine has an ongoing monthly ministry of encouragement to over thirty widows. Her posts on Petals from the Basket, which can…