Joe and I are continuing our focus on accumulating less and appreciating more. The very act of decluttering has become an element of not only the things in our home but also the mind-set that affects every area of our…
This Is Your Captain Speaking….
The Captain’s Corner Public address announcements (“PA”s) from the cockpit to the passenger cabin are both frequent and required in airline flying. As Brenda often says, “Informed people are happy people.” This is especially true when flights are delayed, diverted,…
Choosing (and Using) Wisdom in 2018
Words will play a vital role in 2018. You will hear them, read them, write them, speak them. You will use them to demonstrate love, concern, instruction, and even anger. You will utilize their power to help form and strengthen…
Remembering My Friend
Two years ago today, our family friend Joe Henderson called my mom to let her know that his dear wife, our friend Betty, was no longer suffering because of her heart disease. She was now with her Lord. When Mom…
Countdown to Christmas – Day 12
The little brown bags I’m using in the Countdown to Christmas aren’t big enough for today’s surprise! In fact, today’s gift is not for Joe…or for me. It’s for YOU! Joe and I are thrilled beyond even the happiest of…