Petals from the Basket

Getting Ready for 30 Days of Gratitude

A line from an old hymn says, “Time is now fleeting; the moments are passing….” The older I get, the faster those moments seem to pass. But I actually love the sense of urgency that brings to getting things done and to stop procrastinating those plans that all too often end in “…some day.” While we must embrace every moment we are given—and not seek to rush through the lessons and blessings that those moments hold—we must also prepare and make the necessary plans to accomplish those goals, tasks, and desires.

So at the risk of seeming like I’m rushing through October—and who would want to rush through these amazing colors of autumn?—I am posting the e-booklet for November’s Thirty Days of Gratitude. This FREE, downloadable and/or prinatble guide offers suggestions for various groups of people or individuals to thank each day of the month of November.

The e-booklet also offers a daily recommended reading plan for reading the book of Psalms in thirty day (a great book in the Bible for meditating on praise and gratitude). Additionally, it includes a name, action, or quality of God taken from one of the chapters recommended for that day.

I’m posting it early so that you can prepare your cards, list of gratitude recipients, or small gifts of gratitude early! But I’m also posting it early so that I can you ask you to help me with something. I’m praying that 1,000 of these booklets will be downloaded over the course of the remainder of October and into November. But I need your help to make that happen. Please “share” the booklet on Facebook, tweet about it on Twitter, attach it to an e-mail, write a blog post and include the page link, etc.

Yes, there are now probably tens or hundreds of other such “30 Days of Gratitude” programs taking place this year—and I personally find that to be wonderful! (I’m sincerely probably one of the least “competitive” people you’ll ever meet!) And no, there is no personal reward or sticker that I will receive for reaching the number of 1,000 downloads. But won’t it feel great to know that we are helping others to stop and become (or continue being) intentional about showing gratitude to others?

So the time to start is now! I’m including the downloadable copy in this post (primarily for those who get these posts by e-mail), but I’m also including a link so that you can direct people to the actual page for this e-booklet. (See the tabs at the top of the page? Click here to go directly to the page designated to Thirty Days of Gratitude. This is the page you can direct people to.)

But just to make it easy for you today, click on the photo below to download your FREE copy of Thirty Days of Gratitude!


Did you join us for Thirty Days of Gratitude on this site (or via our Facebook page) last year? I’d love to hear a “testimonial” from you regarding something you learned or shared with others through this activity! Please feel free to share this through “Leave a Comment.”