My parents taught me many fun ways to entertain—not just through their teaching on the subject, but by their example. My husband and I recently began to put one of these ideas into our entertaining “do-often” plans. It was such…
Of Jewelry Boxes and Birthdays
Joe and I are continuing our focus on accumulating less and appreciating more. The very act of decluttering has become an element of not only the things in our home but also the mind-set that affects every area of our…
Choosing (and Using) Wisdom in 2018
Words will play a vital role in 2018. You will hear them, read them, write them, speak them. You will use them to demonstrate love, concern, instruction, and even anger. You will utilize their power to help form and strengthen…
Countdown to Christmas – Day 6
Joe and I are enjoying our “experience-focused” Countdown to Christmas. (If you missed the last post, which talked about this, you can read it later, here.) Oh my heart, I wish you could see Joe when he comes downstairs in…
Countdown to Christmas – Day 1
No, I probably won’t be posting daily. You’re welcome. But yes, I—rather, we—will be sharing occasional pre-Christmas-related posts, including some of our favorite new gift-giving ideas (which include our new favorite books)! Did you ever have an Advent Calendar? I…