I’ve come to look forward to the last Friday of the month because it means my mom will be writing a guest post! I’m enjoying these memories and their related biblical lessons, and I hope you are, too! _______________________ What…
Guest Post: My One-Room School
Don’t you just love hearing your parents share memories of days gone by? I do! And I’m glad it’s the last Friday of the month so that our guest blogger, my mom, can share some fun memories—and important lessons—with all…
Guest Post: Blessings at Brunch
Today’s blog post was written by my favorite guest post writer—my mom! After reading this important post with God-focused life lessons, please feel free to leave a comment for Lorraine! __________ Recently I had the joyful privilege to have Saturday…
Party Line
Today’s guest post was written by my mom, Lorraine Strohbehn. I know you’ll enjoy the mingling of this story from days gone by with the truths of God’s Word. It was a blustery Saturday evening in January on our…
Saturdays, Scrub Brushes, and Sopranos
Today’s guest post was written by my mom, Lorraine Strohbehn. My friend Jenny recently brought us a stack of magazines. They were filled with memories from the good old days—that time enhanced by poor memory and good imagination. What fun…