Over the last five weeks, I have walked almost to Chicago—in the dead of winter. By reaching my goal of walking an average of not less than twenty miles a week on the treadmill, I figure that’s right about where…
I’m Adamantly Opposed to Being Adamant
Being adamantly opposed to being adamant ranks right up there with a European American being prejudiced against an African American for being prejudiced against a European American or with an individual or group being intolerant of the perceived intolerance in…
The Real Kind of Kindness
Merriam-Webster defines the adjective kind as: : “having or showing a gentle nature and a desire to help others : wanting and liking to do good things and to bring happiness to others.” I love that this definition uses the…
Dear February: Bring It!
There are only four good things about the month of February: 1. My dad’s birthday 2. My brother-in-law’s birthday 3. Valentine’s Day (I love that it makes my friends’ hearts smile.) 4. March is just around the corner That’s why…
Take that Rewarding Risk
The movie Hitch is one of my all-time favorites. I’ve been known to watch it multiple times in one month…okay, week…fine, I’ll admit it: day! It’s hysterical (funniest dance scene in any movie ever!); it’s light on objectionable elements, such…