Though in many ways (okay, totally) unrelated to the usual content of this blog, I wanted to take a moment today to offer this information to those who may not otherwise know about it. Last Fall, I created a catalog…
What You Need to Do Is….
She hasn’t been to church in months. You’re concerned about her because you know she doesn’t even care that she hasn’t been there for months. You meet her for lunch. And you talk to her about her need to get…
Validate Your Valentines
On September 11, 2001, my brother, as part of his normal morning schedule, was at the World Trade Center. I won’t rehash the events of this sad and all-too-familiar day, but I will quickly state that my brother had already…
I Can Love Him, But Can I Like Him?
My friend and spiritual mentor, Tami, once gave me a list of thirty-eight things to look for in a possible mate. Yes, you read that right: thirty-eight. I wrote the list—in quite tiny print, in order to fit it all…
Auntie Brenda’s Valentine’s Day Shopping List for Men
Gentlemen, this post is exclusively for you. Yes, it will take you a few minutes to read it, but it will most likely save you hours—if not days—of having to serve “penance” for getting the “wrong” gift for Valentine’s Day…