This is a unique and hurried post tonight (in case the site maintenance starts sooner or takes longer than planned). It’s a little long, so that I can explain it to you, but please bear with me and let me…
Where’s My Shovel?
It snowed most of the day in my area of Wisconsin Thursday. From the sounds of it, my friends and family in the Northeast are going to spend much of today and tomorrow getting what we got—and much, much more.…
What was I Thinking?
Humbly, I confess that the older I get, the more I learn about myself. This doesn’t come from hours and hours of self-focused introspection accomplished while sitting cross-legged and listening to my favorite, calm zen-like music. Actually, it reveals itself…
Why? (Part 2)
In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I sometimes focus on a specific month-long accountability plan to help each of us—myself most of all—to keep moving forward. Today, I want to look at how God gives us second (third…thirteenth…thirtieth!) chances when…
Why? (Part 1)
This past November, there were several month-long programs encouraging people to demonstrate gratitude. In fact, I continued my own annual “Thirty Days of Gratitude” right here on this blog. At that time, I saw various articles and heard various comments…