I just read John 19. How could I even hope to convey the depth of meaning in this chapter? I can’t. I can only, in tear-stained humility say: God’s love— Spoken in truth And in silence. God’s Son, Through incredible…
A Picture-Perfect (but Painful) Lesson
Since I’ve been pretty transparent about things these past two years on the blog (two years—can you believe it?), and you’ve patiently listened, read the latest posts, and patted my hand with a loving “it’ll be okay, Brenda” or smacked…
Truth Doesn’t Change; Locations Do!
It was a simple, harmless, matter-of-fact thought: I’ll visit my parents and help out a little extra during the month of December. Instead of going home in between their appointments and Christmas, I’ll just do my work from the upstairs…
Validate Your Valentines
On September 11, 2001, my brother, as part of his normal morning schedule, was at the World Trade Center. I won’t rehash the events of this sad and all-too-familiar day, but I will quickly state that my brother had already…
Auntie Brenda’s Valentine’s Day Shopping List for Men
Gentlemen, this post is exclusively for you. Yes, it will take you a few minutes to read it, but it will most likely save you hours—if not days—of having to serve “penance” for getting the “wrong” gift for Valentine’s Day…