There is only one way for single women to view Mother’s Day—the right way. There is no other option. So what is the right way? Before I answer that question or write one more paragraph, I will include my standard…
We (Yes, We) Have Exciting News to Share
My posts have been a little scarce lately. It’s time to confess that I’ve been a little preoccupied! Early in December of this past year, 2015, God began to do a real work in my heart. I unclenched my hands…
Easter’s Answers
Each year when Easter rolls around, I am awestruck at the wonder of Who my God is. And each year, I find myself faced with the same questions and, thankfully, the same answers: Why? Why would a holy God love…
On What Would Have Been My Father’s 91st Birthday
Things I saw often: Holding hands with and kissing my mom…often. My whole life. Forgiveness. Humility. Consistency. Love. The willing-to-sacrifice-his-own-rights kind. Things I heard often: Let’s see what the Bible has to say about that. What is that to thee?…
Leaving My Regrets in 2015
Are you leaving 2015 in a few days with no regrets? Oh, trust me, I have regrets from 2015: I messed up. I sinned. I got angry. I was selfish. I was proud. I was impatient. I was…a whole list…