Lorraine Strohbehn, our monthly guest contributor and my mom, shares more than a memory with a biblical lesson this month. She also offers a helpful idea for moms and dads to use when teaching their children about money! _____________ When…
From Trash Can to Tag Line
Yes, this is about how I felt on Tuesday, trying to come up with my personal “tag line” before writing today’s post! All I could think was that I never should have committed to posting a follow-up note. I should…
Three Reasons to Write a Personal “Tag Line”
Bloggers and writers often add a “tag line” to their blog name or book title that, as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary states, “serves to clarify a point” or to reiterate a “phrase identified with an individual, group, or product” (such as a…
LaLaLaLaLa—I Can’t Heeeear You!
They’re called “spoiler alerts.” Do you know what I mean? It’s when, let’s say, you’re attending a birthday party for your grandma, so you miss your favorite Olympic event, but you set your TV to record the competition so that…
Here Am I, Lord…I’ll Stay
I have no idea what Hebrew punctuation marks look like or how—or if—they were appropriately translated into the English versions we have of the Bible, but I love the fact that in many of the versions (NIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB,…