John chapter seven records an event in which, because of their preconceived belief, disbelief, or curiosity in the actions of Jesus, people were gathered together, discussing His possible motives for healing the man at the pool of Bethesda (as recorded…
Lingering on the Leftovers
In my finite, third-world-trained mind, I often visualize the true story in the Bible about the feeding of the five thousand as some sort of “hillside, outdoor communion service,” with each person taking his or her morsel of the loaf…
The Difference Between Potential and Possibilities
Before continuing my pre-Easter reading of the Book of John this morning, I was thinking of how—to my detriment, in most cases—I see potential in nearly everything and everyone. (I think it’s a Pollyanna-related thing!) Potential Involves My Plans It…
Presenting ALL of the Truth
In John chapter four, when talking with a woman who had an interest in knowing more about receiving the living water Jesus had to offer (even though she didn’t fully understand yet what that really meant), Jesus said for her…
Of Shadows and Spotlights
“Place your focus on Christ.” “Place your faith in Christ.” “Place your future in Christ.” Those words have come out of my mouth many times as I have taught small groups of ladies or as I have spoken to larger…