There we sat, in a large gym-turned-concert hall in Iowa, and I found myself wiping away tears. I wasn’t sad—not at all! I was overwhelmed with a sense of awe that there were hundreds of people, most of whom were…
Thank you, Patch the Pirate

There we sat, in a large gym-turned-concert hall in Iowa, and I found myself wiping away tears. I wasn’t sad—not at all! I was overwhelmed with a sense of awe that there were hundreds of people, most of whom were…
If, when my path crosses that of one whose journey does not mimic my own and whose transgressions may seem more public than those I have privately committed, I do not offer the grace I have received, the understanding with…
How do I know that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23, ESV)? You may have grasped this simple, but oh-so-very-very-complex truth long ago, but I woke up this morning, Good Friday 2023, and thought, “Wow—when all of my…
On a shelf in our office, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible is the large red book that has been used perhaps more than most of the other study tools we own. Both Joe and I like his concise,…
The crackle. The scent of the burning logs. The cozy warmth. [Insert contented sigh here.] Recently Joe and I spent some time at a lakefront cabin near the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, and we were reminded just how much we…