Petals from the Basket

Chalkboards and Changes

A little over two years ago, I began a new job and moved into a new apartment in a new location. “New” was clearly the key word. One of my favorite “new” purchases after moving was a 14-inch square gray-and-black-framed chalkboard that hangs on the wall in my bathroom. I have never written on it. Not once. It’s a clean slate. Literally.

Two of my favorite verses in the Bible are found in Lamentations 3:22 and 23 (NLT): “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.” So there is something about the visual reminder of that “clean slate” every day that reminds me that God gives me brand new mercies each morning! How amazing is THAT? Actually, since that is a totally rhetorical question, I’m going to write it again, and end it properly: How amazing is THAT!!!

One week ago today, my life went pear-shaped (i.e. the bottom fell out), and I find I will once again begin a new job, in a new apartment, in a new location. Change. But a change appointed by my unchanging God.A few moments ago I walked from one side of my apartment to the other and dropped off some freshly-folded towels in the bathroom. As I turned to leave, I glanced up at the never-touched-by-chalk chalkboard on the wall. I stopped to wipe away tears of joy as I thanked Him that I’m facing each new day, each change, with fresh mercy!

And that is precisely why, when I move to a new apartment to start a new job in a new location, I will once again hang my clean slate smack-dab in the center of my bathroom wall. After all, not everything needs to change!


10 thoughts on “Chalkboards and Changes

  1. Pingback: Do Blogs Celebrate Anniversaries? Yes—for Three Days! « Petals from the Basket

  2. Pingback: Day 7 of 7: How? and WOW! « Petals from the Basket

  3. Petals from the Basket Post author

    Thank you, dear friends, for your encouragement! I’m sorry I didn’t get a note of thanks up earlier, but the job search is in full swing, and I’m busily revamping the resume today! God is good and is never surprised even by that which takes us by surprise! I can’t wait to share some of the wonderful books and ideas on here that He’s placed in my path this last week!

  4. Tina

    I am going to miss seeing you Brenda and was sad to hear the news…. Love your blog and am encouraged by it! Praying for you!!

  5. DMB

    ‘Love the reminder of a clean slate! THANKS! (Where’re you off to now?! Hopefully, closer to me)

  6. Courtney B

    Thank you for sharing this! I neede
    d that reminder this morning. 🙂 I am praying for you as the Lord closes this door and opens another (Andy is in this limbo phase currently, too). I know you are more than willing to follow His lead!