Petals from the Basket

Little Pink Curlers

When I think of Saturday nights, I think of little pink sponge rollers. You know the kind, right? The two-inch plastic curler is made up of a fold-over “frame.” One half of it is a “post” over which the sponge tube fits; the other half, rectangular in shape so that it fits around the outside of the sponge tube. The frame clips shut at the top, holding the hair tightly in place.

For little girls, it’s almost a rite of passage to get to wear these seemingly-magic curlers to bed on Saturday night. At the age of five, nothing made me feel more like a princess (and probably look less like one – haha) than having bouncy, ridiculously-tight curls on Sunday morning! Sitting on the floor in front of mom on Saturday night and making sure to look straight ahead was more than a promise of “perky” hair. It was a way of preparing my mind that something special was going to happen the next day.

Now, 46 years later, the role of the little pink curlers has been replaced by nail polish and lotions.

Nearly every Saturday night, I mentally place the activities of the past week into their proper “compartments” and take a little time to slow the pace a bit. The weekly manicure, consisting of filing, exfoliating, soaking, polishing, and moisturizing, serves to prepare my “grown-up mind” that something special is going to happen the next day. (In fact, tonight’s preparation will also include a pedicure for me. Tomorrow is “Barefoot Sunday” since we are being encouraged to donate our shoes before we leave so that they may be given to those who have no shoes!)

But it’s not about the nails. Mine are simple and nothing you’ll see on a magazine cover. It’s about preparing body, soul, and spirit for what is to come.

Meeting with other believers for the sake of learning about and praising God with our worship deserves such intentional preparation – and more! So, with my newly-painted nails, and a relaxed body and soul, I will head to bed soon, prepared for a time of pre-sleeping prayer asking God to show Himself to me and teach me what He longs for me to learn tomorrow at church.

Yes, schedules are busy. Not every Saturday night allows for leisurely pampering and restful activity. However, I encourage you to remember that one of the best ways to have a prepared heart in church on Sunday morning is to intentionally begin that preparation on Saturday night.

“Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” – Proverbs 16:3


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3 thoughts on “Little Pink Curlers

  1. Pingback: He Promised! « Petals from the Basket

  2. Judy

    Ah, yes, I do remember those little pink sponge curlers! Thanks for the reminder! I’ll have to ask Kathy if she’s got some and has used them in Kate’s hair! I know she remembers our Saturday night ritual of bath time, shampoos, and pink sponge curlers! Sometimes I even used that “hair” tape to tape her bangs down so she would look beautiful on Sunday morning for church!! Thank you for bringing back some good memories!!

  3. Alison Robb

    Thank you so much for the reminder! I am often convicted about how I spend my Saturdays preparing for the Lord’s Day. I’m confident that if I just spent a little more time in prayer and worship the day before, my Lord’s Days would be more meaningful.